Rayne or Shyne Llama Show
Diamond: $500.00 (includes show ring banner you keep & full-page ad in the program)
Platinum: $300.00 (includes show ring banner you keep & business card ad in the program)
Gold: $200.00 (includes full-page ad in the program)
Silver: $100.00 (includes business card ad in the program)
Division: $50.00 (specify on your entry form)
Class: $25.00 (specify on your entry form)
Cria: (youth) $10.00
Any amount is appreciated.

All sponsors will get recognition during the show and be listed on the website and in the program book.
Sponsor a Grand & Reserve Champion $50.00 for each division you sponsor. Indicate on your entry form which divisions(s) you wish to sponsor and your first, second, or third choice preference. Your name will be listed in the program book with that division and you will receive recognition during the show.
Sponsor a for $25.00 for each class you sponsor. Indicate on your entry form which class(es) you wish to sponsor and your first, second, or third choice preference. Your name will be listed in the program book with that class and you will receive recognition during the show.
2022 Sponsors
We want to thank our gracious and generous sponsors for helping this show become a reality.
Aspen Rayne Ranch; Steve & Sandy Auld & Aspen Kelchen​
Double "S" Llama Ranch; Sonya Salisbury​ - Classic Female Division
Nebraska Llama Association - Medium Wool Male Division
Mythical Acres Llamas; Alyssa Jensen & Brianna Pautz - Medium Wool Female Division
Lla-Di-Da Llamas; Christine Kay - Moderate Heavy Female Division​
Iowa Llama Association - Extreme Heavy Wool Male
Criven Llamas; Venesa & Chris Carter (2)
Silky Female Division
Junior Performance Division
Southwest Llama Company; Tor Sorenson - Moderate Heavy Male Division
Mulberry Creek Acres; Doug & Alisca deReigner - Extreme Heavy Wool Female Division